In Russia it is proposed to introduce criminal punishment for auto framing

24news 4 дней назад 68

The Criminal Code may introduce a separate punishment for a deliberate road accident committed for the purpose of extorting funds. Izvestia has learned that such a bill has been prepared for submission to the State Duma by Yaroslav Nilov, head of the Labor, Social Policy and Veterans' Affairs Committee of the LDPR faction.

In the explanatory note, which is available at "Izvestia", it is reported that in Russia has again received a round of development of crime on the roads, which is expressed in the increased incidence of cases of auto framing. Such an accident is a real imitation of a traffic accident through the use of special techniques and situations that force the driver to pay compensation for the damage caused or violated norms of the law, the document says.

"The current norms of legislation do not have legal specificity in terms of exactly this type of fraud as a legal phenomenon, and, therefore, can not fully provide legal protection to victims. Currently, persons who have committed this crime are usually tried under Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Fraud"). However, this type of crime goes far beyond simple fraud, as it involves extortion of money, threats, as well as violation of traffic safety rules and damage to the vehicle of the victims", - is emphasized in the document.

In this regard, the bill proposes to allocate the deliberate creation of traffic accidents for the purpose of extortion in an independent type of crime and establish a penalty of imprisonment for a term of up to four years, and in cases of committing it by a group of persons by prior conspiracy or causing serious harm to the health of the victim - up to seven years.

Experts believe that in the regulatory framework will be difficult to clearly spell out the definitions of framers and specific criteria for their offenses.

Read more in Izvestia's exclusive article:

The wing is not out: the Russian Federation wants to introduce criminal penalties for auto frame-ups


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